Will we eventually come to accept Chinese EVs?

3 min readJun 18, 2024

Yes, eventually, Look, I’m no China cheerleader, but gotta hand it to them — they make crazy cheap stuff, and right now, nobody else can churn it out in the same amounts.

Let’s talk cellphones for a sec. Anyone living in Asia knows what I’m saying. Remember a few years back? Chinese phones were basically cheap junk nobody wanted to be seen with. Then Xiaomi swooped in and changed the game. They offered decent phones at crazy low prices. People were like, “Wait, what?” Suddenly, everyone was rocking a Xiaomi. Now they’re one of the top phone brands in the world, kinda like the Samsung of China, if you catch my drift.

There’s still a place for those dirt-cheap Chinese phones you see in the store. They might not last forever, but hey, they’re cheap! Think of it like a disposable phone. It breaks, you toss it, no biggie. You only paid like fifty bucks, what’d you expect? The good news is, even those cheap phones have gotten way better quality-wise.

So, about Chinese EVs… They might not be the fanciest rides, but hey, beggars can’t be choosers, right? Especially for budget-minded folks. For the lower middle class, Chinese brands seem to be winning. They’re currently the kings of cheap EVs. Seriously, can you find a Ford electric car for ten grand? Tesla’s supposed “budget” car? Kaput. Elon’s busy with robotaxis now.

Does this mean we’ll be flooded with Chinese EVs? Maybe. Especially if EVs become mandatory. Right now, nobody pumps out cheap EVs like China. Plus, their home market is huge, and their government is all gung-ho about EVs. There’s a ton of Chinese EVs just itching to be exported — way more than what Tesla or others can crank out. That should give you an idea.

Cheap EVs are a way better option than throwing away money on a used Tesla. Plus, if something goes wrong, it won’t sting as much because, well, it’s cheap.

Chinese EVs are going to be a big thing for the average Joe. They’re cheap, and let’s be honest, most people aren’t buying a used EV. Unlike gas-powered cars, used EVs can lose range over time, especially the older ones. Plus, why buy a beat-up EV when you can get a brand new, cheap one? Sometimes, practicality wins. A new, affordable Chinese EV is way better than a used Tesla (and way less painful on the wallet if something breaks).

It all depends on which company or country can churn out the most cars at low prices, and for now, like it or not, China is still far ahead of other countries.




(Ex) mechanic and used car seller, basically I sell anything I could lay my hands on. Writes mostly about automotive and random things.