Why did Chinese brands of car manufacturing outsell American manufacturers for the first time globally last year?

3 min readJun 18, 2024

China’s got a population explosion compared to the US — we’re talking about 1.4 billion people in 2023! That’s a whole lotta folks needing rides. Even if just a fraction, say 20%, switched to electric vehicles, that’d be more EVs than the entire US population cruising around. This is why Chinese EV companies are leaving their American counterparts in the dust.

It’s simple math, really. More people in China means more potential EV drivers. Imagine 20% of China going electric — that’d be a mind-blowing number, dwarfing the entire US on the road.

Now, numbers can get dull fast, but here’s a quick stat: China sold over 500,000 new EVs in one recent period, which isn’t mind-blowing, but guess what? Half of those were “NEVs” — fancy talk for electric or hybrid cars with extra efficiency. That’s way more than experts predicted, some even thought NEVs wouldn’t be this popular until like 2028!

This EV surge is causing trouble for traditional gas-guzzler companies in China. Big names like Toyota and Volkswagen are seeing their sales drop like a rock. Basically, the Chinese car market is going electric, fast.

China’s got the cash cannon loaded. Their government throws money at electric car companies like they’re celebrating Chinese New Year. It’s a subsidy party, and everyone’s invited (as long as they’re building electric vehicles). This gives Chinese companies a huge advantage when it comes to research, development, and, you guessed it, keeping prices low.

Manufacturing might? China’s already a manufacturing powerhouse. They’ve got a massive workforce and the infrastructure to churn out products like nobody’s business. Think of it as the world’s biggest factory, and electric cars are their new hot item. This translates to lower production costs, which again, translates to…you guessed it again, super cheap cars.

But wait, while China’s churning out electric vehicles like crazy, whispers about quality are starting to rumble. We’re not talking luxury rides here, folks. This is more like “fast fashion for"cars"—affordable and trendy—but will it last a decade? Plus, those news reports of giant parking lots overflowing with unsold Chinese cars at ports? Not exactly a ringing endorsement. Maybe they’re making cars too quickly, without enough buyers lined up?

So, what’s the real story behind China’s electric car boom? It’s a mix of government support, manufacturing muscle, and aggressive pricing. They’re flooding the market with affordable electric vehicles, hoping to dominate the global scene. But the jury’s still out on whether this strategy of quantity over quality will pay off in the long run. Will these cars become the next big thing, or will they end up as forgotten relics in giant metal graveyards? Only time will tell, but one thing’s for sure: China’s making a power move in the electric car game, and it’s going to be a wild ride to see where it all leads.




(Ex) mechanic and used car seller, basically I sell anything I could lay my hands on. Writes mostly about automotive and random things.